
Up, up and away

Grab a ruler. The plastic kind with a round hole directly in the middle. Now, grip a ballpoint pen in the palm of your hand, pointy side up. With your other hand, balance the ruler by resting it on the pen through the center hole. With a free finger give the ruler a flick. Watch it twirl. Do it again, a little faster. And again, this time slowly raising and lowering the hand with the pen while the ruler spins. Did you think to make a helicopter noise? Whop whop whop whop whop. Okay, well, I guess I'm blogging again. Write what you know, they say. That's what I know today. Tomorrow I may know something else.


Roberta said...

YES! Jack is back! Life is good.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see this.

Bev said...

This is exactly how I entertained myself in math class! Glad to see you back, Jack.