

The mangy yellow stray lifted his leg and peed on a fire hydrant, covering the mark of the dog that peed there before him. He looked up at the median strip of grass that ran down the middle of the road and watched a man hammer a shiny red sign in the dirt that read "Sparky for governor." Directly in front of that sign was another shiny colorful sign, blue this time, that read "Max for governor." In front of that sign was another "Sparky" sign, and in front of that another "Max" sign. And then another "Sparky" and another "Max." On and on they went, one shiny colorful sign and then the other, for as far as the mangy yellow stray could see. He couldn't read, of course, because he was a dog. Nor did he know anything about the two party system in politics. But being a dog, he had a bladder that just wouldn't quit and a strong desire to participate.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that what politics is all about -- who can pee on whose ideas last?

Mike said...
